Against corruption! Learn about our Anti-Bribery Policy
At GP Construcción we stand out for being a transparent and upright organization, and one of the policies that support us is our Anti-Corruption Policy. Get to know it and find out why we are recognized as one of the 500 companies against corruption in the country.
We prevent and detect acts of corruption
Our Anti-Corruption Policy is applicable to all employees of the GP Group or third parties with whom we have a business relationship. The most salient aspects are:
Compliance Committee
It is made up of personnel who are responsible for advising, receiving and evaluating acts of corruption.
Corruption Notice
It is the notification of any fact or suspicion of corruption or bribery involving employees or third parties related to the organization.
The Compliance Committee is responsible for evaluating any acts of corruption that may occur.
In addition to having established the expected conduct of employees, our anti-bribery policy establishes:
✔ Do not make facilitating payments to public officials.
✔ Ensure that payments to any representative of Grupo GP are only remuneration for services rendered.
✔ The recording of all financial transactions is through physical and electronic means and may be reviewed by the Internal Audit Department.
✔ It is prohibited to give, promise or receive any kind of material benefits or services that serve any kind of commercial or financial advantage.
✔ Establish business relationships with organizations or third parties that demonstrate alignment with Grupo GP's integrity principles and standards.
Each employee has the obligation to report or denounce any situation that goes against our principles through our Anonymous Whistleblower Hotline, in order to achieve an ethical and trustworthy work environment.
In Grupo GP we will continue to prevent and detect any act of corruption through internal controls in each of the business lines, ensuring compliance with each rule and policy. Learn more about our Anti-Corruption Policy.
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